Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I used to believe they were immortal, Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise and Harrison Ford. But one by one they fell. They were the Cary Grant, Gregory Peck and Humphrey Bogart of our time. The pretenders to the throne, the Ben Afflecks and the Brad Pitts were like the Rock Hudsons and George Peppards or William Holdens.

The question is, who will be next. Maybe there can only really be three at a time.

The only one who is still untouchable is Tom Hanks. Maybe he's the Charton Heston. He'll crack up in the end. Lol. I hope not. Maybe Mel Gibson is the Charlton Heston.

Anyway, that's all for today.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Oh my ghost!

I know nothing about this movie, except it's ridiculous title. Though I think this movie could be a watershed event. Because it was around the time certain Hong Kong movies called Magic to Win that Hong Kong movies became famous.

I could just be reading tea leaves here, but who knows.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I remember once writing for twitchfilm, what exactly i like about film. I like a little zombie, a little weird, always exciting and never ever pretentious. I hate films were the ego of the director is so big, that he thinks he's so smart for writing a film. I hate films made by people who really sucked ass (grades-wise) in high school, college or grade school and so are now trying to get back at their teachers by making their own smart ass films. In short, I hate pretentious films.

I like films where the director tries to take a new angle of a shot, tries a new sequence. The whole movie may suck, but if there is one sequence (Ultraviolet, cough, Ultraviolet), that makes it worth it, it makes the film for me.

Hence my love for lots of bad movies and hate for lots of popular ones. Take Pirates of the Carribean Dead Man's Chest, for example. That film added nothing to the history of filmmaking. It was telling the exact same joke with a bigger budget, hence destroying the joke in the original one (almost). Reminiscing and winking at the audience is fine if the movie came out a long time ago, but don't do it the whole frickin movie and don't do it, if the original movie came out, like just 3 years ago.

I loved Superman and The Hulk. Yes, The Hulk. Because it was about good vs. evil. Not ambiguously good people or bad people but real heroes. People who know right from wrong. Know that things aren't "relative". Especially when it comes to morals. Superman was about a hero. Batman Returns was more about attitude. I'm more about the boy in blue. Truth, Justice and the American Way. I may not be a good businessman, but I know what I like.

Anyway, sorry for that obscure reference. Anyway so I guess that's what this blog will be about, I'll update you on indie films in this country and I'll also tell you what I think. The writing style now is a bit rough, but hopefully it will improve with practice.

Anyway, that's all for now...
Gawddammit, there's nothing I feel like reporting again. I guess it just takes time.

Anyway, I just want to promote my good buddy's website

It's awesome.